STASI: Our two presidential candidates bring scandals and lies to the election
Sex scandals, money scandals, lies, fraud accusations, naked photo spreads, lawsuits, indictment rumors, bankruptcies (moral and financial), horrifically bad judgment calls, social media addictions, ugly rhetoric, exaggerated fact-less claims, egomaniacal need for publicity and power. Racism.
We expect moral bankruptcy from Kardashians, not from the two top presidential candidates, but that’s what we’ve got. So shame on us voters for getting dazzled by duplicity, and for allowing the party-owned superdelegates to decide who will be the Democratic nominee.
Don’t we deserve a whole helluva lot better than a couple of scandal-scarred, lying egomaniacs?
Yes we do, but we neither demanded nor even expected it. We’re so used to bulls–t that we now vote for it, not against it.
The USA isn’t a banana republic. We’re a republic that’s gone bananas.
Don’t we deserve better than scandal-scarred politicians?
Both Trump and Clinton the Second’s scandals make them no better than revolting reality stars — and even the Kardashians have never been accused of racism.
Dammit citizens! Have we just proved the adage that in a democracy people get the leaders they deserve? Maybe.
For sure, democracy is getting what the one percenters decided we deserve. When money talks, decency walks and racism rises.
Hillary — no racist — was accused of bigotry after using the term, “super predators” (which was mostly used to describe violent black kids) whom she said, should be “brought to heel,” a term used in teaching dogs to walk on leashes.
One very prominent black leader told me Trump is no racist either.
Reverend A.R. Bernard, is a friend to both Hillary and The Donald and the African-American pastor and founder of the mega-Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, one of the most spiritually grounded leaders in our city, and now author of a book on marriage and morality, “Four Things Women Want From a Man.”
Both Hillary and Donald have recently come a’calling, hoping for Bernard’s endorsement, which he’s given to neither.
“Donald Trump has thousands of employees, many of whom are people of color,” Rev. Bernard said. “He’s an opportunist. I don’t think he is a racist. Racism is the intentional oppression, and marginalization of people based on the color of their skin. But to view people through a stereotypical lens? That’s called ignorance.
“Mr. Trump asked me to be on an advisory board of clergy. I told him I’d be open to it, by that it did not mean an endorsement.”
Rev. A.R. Bernard is pals with Clinton and Trump, but won’t endorse them.
Advice for Hillary?
“It’s never too late to change. We all have a past. What are you willing to do to show us you’ve changed? Was she (Bill’s) enabler? If you are leader of the free world, you make decisions that will affect nations. Some of Bill Clinton’s decisions put our nation’s security in jeopardy. What weakened him? At that time in his life morality was not the fiber of his being. You can’t be moral just when it’s convenient.”
Bernard’s book states that what women want from men is maturity, decisiveness, consistency and strength.
That’s exactly what we need in a President — male or female. Too bad we’ve settled for fraudulent self-promotion, hate and scandal.
Meryl Streep donned a fat suit to imitate Donald Trump.
Why was it wrong that Donald Trump called Rosie O’Donnell a “fat pig,” but it’s funny that Meryl Streep wore a fat suit in imitation of Donald Trump at the Public Theater?
Either both were wrong, the media is wrong for being tolerant only when it comes to liberal voices, or is what’s good for the goose still good for the gander?
I go for goose equals gander.
Calling one woman a “fat pig” doesn’t mean Trump called all women “fat pigs” any more than Streep dressing up as an obese Donald Trump and singing a gangster song means that Streep was calling all men fat gangsters.
In fact, the way I met Donald for the first time 20 years ago was because he got mad that I’d written that he looked like he’d eaten a couple too many sandwiches.
Now every personal insult is stupidly called an insult to whole groups of people. Seriously?